Fraction-O-Meter logo







General Description

Customize your practice, solving to percentages or to decimals. The Fraction-O-Meter will report if you are "close enough" to your choice of tolerance, (e.g., within 0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02 or 0.05), for results showing two, three or four decimal places. (Percentages will show as whole numbers only.)



Estimate the value of the fraction

If the number doesn't match a correct result, it may report that your result is within the "close enough" allowance set in preferences

Try several methods, (e.g., doing the division in your mind, visualizing the portion and tapping in steps of halves, quarters, tenths, etc.)

After reaching the correct number, you can then select "New" to get a new numerator.


Helpful Hint

Tap, drag and roll

If you find it difficult to stay steady on a four-digit decimal while lifting your finger from the display, try rolling your finger off the right edge of the meter, instead of lifting it.